

UPDATE: 04-16-06

I'm tired. So tired.

I can barely lift my arm, bent at the elbow, to move my limp hanging hand, the fingers numb, knuckles unbendable, I clumsily grasp grasp at the last light of reality as the darkness scorches away from my periphery toward the centre of my view, smudging all colours into mud, finally the dimness recedes and I fall backwards into bottomless, empty darkness.

There is no more.

For several days I am ensconsed only in this dark cloud, without the consolation of thunder to accompany me, no light at all, until I can no longer feel my eyes grown numb to tell whether they are closed or open.

Finally I wake up.

The "real" world clenches its brightness and rigid outlines around me with a metallic thud. It is worse than a nightmare, because no matter how long a nightmare seems to last, one will always awaken from it eventually. One does not even know what to expect after the death of this body, because we have grown so accustomed to being trapped here in it, and in its immediate physical reality. We try to break down space, and make the distant things immediately accessable, and to wield control over time. We say, "time is money," and so we think to bargain with it, to work part of the time to earn freedom the rest of the time.

Am I really awake?

What is the oldest religion? What does such a thing matter? How much is it worth to root for the home-team? Are you willing to weigh your soul against the whole universe? Weight exists only under the influence of gravity. But weight is a quantity. Therefore, quantities only exist within gravity wells, while between them the rest of space is indescribably empty. It cannot be said, there is this much nothingness.

Tossing and turning I am half of the time each.

Never fully awake so long as having even slept only once, and never asleep enough to never again awaken, this is what we are used to calling "life," and by "life," how we are used to measuring our definition of "time." But these symbols break down under the pressure of the vacuum which exists beyond and between all those things we can define. This does not mean "when confronted with the unknown" because beyond our ability to define the concept of "when" there is no such thing to us as the "known." We cannot therefore stipulate that the unknown exclusively reveals itself to us over time. We cannot say, "I found out first," because we have all already been capable of knowing the same thing for as long as there has been even only one of us. We can only say, "I learned of it at last," because what we discover has been there all along, independent of our existence. The unknown exists independent of our existence.

What is real, if half of the time I am alive I am asleep and merely dreaming?

All I can do is seek inspiration. By having a goal, I justify searching. By searching I generate energy, and by generating energy I give myself strength to continue the search. By continuing to search, the search itself becomes movement, and this movement blends the static, and by blending change is created, and by guiding this change comes inspiration. As soon as one seeks inspiration, inspiration shall appear, caused by their search.

You may ask me about Jaguar Night and about Dark Jaguar. You may ask me about Not Right Now and about Jaguar Quitze. They are like Shalem and Shaher. Or like Caput and Cauda Draconis. One arises while the other one sets. Each sign has it's opposite in the sky. But these opposites are not all aligned. For example, the seven planets of ancient alchemy are the seven sisters of the Plaedies to the Mayans. But the use of the base seven system is common to both, though only as an astronomical belief system, and even though separated by great distance, each evolving independently. So it is with the base four system of the two halves of the orbit and the two points of division between them (caput and cauda draconis), as it is with the pre-dawn rising in the east of Venus, the "morning star," (Shalem) and its setting just after the sun as the "evening star," (Shaher), as it is with the dawn and the day (Jaguar Quitze and Not Right Now), the evening and the night (Dark Jaugar and Jaguar Night). But by these all things may be known aright: the position of the earth in its orbit around the sun (by perihelions and aphelions), the orbit of earth relative to the orbit of Venus, and thus to measure time in longer cycles, and then, by identifying patterns, such as with the seasons of the weather, which recur over the durations described within the greatest and all lesser scale cycles, one can identify the archetypal players anthropomorphically, or as is more common, zoomorphically.

What are these like, these archetypal players? They are like sub-divisions of a card deck that are being constantly shuffled. The four suits each move relative to one another, as well as being shuffled about within themselves. And so we identify a certain number card and then we observe how it moves in sequence through its own suit, as the suit is stacked and restacked. Then we identify how the same number card moves through the resortment of the different suits. If we count the number, we can predict the suit.

You see, these Changers, these are like the acheypal players. The Changers, on the tree of death, may be interpreted to be the same thing as the money-changers outside the temple in the vision of Jesus. By overturning the booths of the money-changers, Christ was turning the tables on the changers themselves. He was shuffling the archetypal players like they shuffle their own cards. To turn the tables, this is the Way of the Great Burner.

What is the day without a night? What is the eye without a lid? What is the meaning of "time is money?" Microscopic dust particle pebbles thrown at a stained glass window that is the size and temperature of the sun. That is what these definitions are like before the concept merely implied by the title "the Great Burner."

The day without a night is what is known to the Crew that Never Sleeps. The eye without a lid sees in 360° vision. The meaning of "time is money" is that we "manifest destiny" by "playing the cards we were dealt." The day with no end is also called the Neverending Story and the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The eye without a lid has "second sight," beyond either dream or real. "Time is money" refers Mammon to Bohu, for Mammon is the Ruler of Money, and Bohu the formlessness which has substance.

Before we can look at what it means to say "time is money," we must look at what it means to say, "make change," "change adds up," "wasted time," "follow the money," "time flies when you're having fun," "the buck stops here," "free time," "God giveth and taketh away," "a penny saved is a penny earned." All of these statements are equally predicated on the same false assumption: that money is the very substance of ephemeral time itself. Other than by numbers, we cannot rightly define time. Numbers were invented for men to be able to trade commodoties. The Sumerians were consummate financial record keepers, as the extant artefacts atest. However, the calendar was only invented later, supposedly during later predeluvial times, by En-Men-Dur-Ank-I, the equivalent of the Egytian Thoth, a priest of Enki, the Sumerian god of the Annunaki pantheon. It was a lunar calendar only, according to the mythology, and it was not reformed into a solar calendar until the reign of the Eygyptian god Ra, the Babylonian Marduk. So, why did money come into being before even our ability to measure the passage of time?

Because money is our artificial construct in immitation of time. Time is an emptiness that exists beyond gravity. There is no way to measure time. Time and "space" are one, and this one, being more or less a vacuum, is essentially nothing. You cannot quantify nothingness. Therefore, the invention of money created a leisure class who were capable of philosophising about the nature of time. Similarly, the invention of the calendar led to conquests for the purpose of securing slave labour in order to increase the numbers of the moneyed class and thus better learn of the higher philosophies, such as that of time.

We knew of the existence of time in the beginning. This was the beginning: knowledge that one must work to earn freedom is the mortal knowledge of the corpse. We think: if I die godless I will naught but return to clay. So we invent a god: the number zero. This number is equal to infinity, and can be used to describe the infinite nothingness in short hand notation. We learn to multiply and to create and form enormous numbers using zero as a place holder, sound and fury, signifying nothing. And then we create time. Because time is zeroness, it is the uncreated. And so we create it. And then we pluck it down from the heavenly timeless empty void beyond gravity and we pull it down and we turn it into money.

Money is the product and the sum of addiction to drugs. Early in homo spaien evolution apart from our cousin species Neandethal man we were exposed to the effects of certain more hallucinogenic plants. At first this chemical reaction was within the individual. Then their families genes mutated over time. Finally, these mutations created per capita evolutionary trends towards higher intelligence. However, at a certain point, the available drugs became scarce or otherwise immunity made them ineffective. The shamen continued to push for a role in the burgeoning aggrarian city-states, but the Chief was fast on the way already to becoming a king. Why? Due to the invention of money.

The first money junky was the first dictator. And so we say also that they were great among their time, leaders, considered Gods, because they contributed greatly to the formation of society: they made many useful inventions such as the great pyramids, the Aztec calendar, the Kabba Stone at Mecca, and countless cathedrals and temples, all worshipping their ability to bend the backs of the masses in the name of the self-betterment of the individual. All enchained and enslaved by the almighty dollar. Working for a future they will never live to see.

So we say that time is something like money. Something we can lay our hands on and touch and feel and make known to us and real and to even exchange to receive more or to be granted the wishes of our every desire. But this viewpoint is confined to within the immediate present perceived by our senses. We say then that money is to the matter of space in the present like what time is to the void between all objects: it is a method of calculation: of counting the infinite by binding it up into a zeroic nothingness.

We think that, in money, we have conquered time down to a finite level, a minute science. However it is out of the control of even those wizards of finance who seem most successful in the day. We think we have made time tangible? We can't even balance a budget. And you would lay as a sacrifice at the feet of the Great Burner "death and taxes?"

No, the Great Burner scorches up this definition like the sun a wayward satellite. The Great Burner is beyond the ability to comprehend of the minds of mortal men. Au Puq sits calculating our worth in the Great Annals of history, examining every minute detail. Above and behind Au Puq sits the Great Burner.

The symbol of the dollar, of time, of Au Puq and of Tehuti (Thoth), is this: "$" (the crucified serpent).

Above and beyond this is yet the Great Burner.

According to the Popul Vuh in the beginning was the cloud and within it the whirlwind, which they called Plumed Serpent. According to the gnostic scriptures in the beginning was the cloud of unknowing and the thunder, perfect mind. According to the Buddhist tradition the diamond thunderbolt struck the ghanta singing bowl. What are all these things? These are all of the darkness, and of the formlessness, of the abyss, the void, vacuum and the nothingness. All of these are the attempts to describe what existence must have been like before the Coming of the Great Burner, and at that time, that is, the very moment of the first creation.

You see, they say that God reigns over His creation. But this is the creation: it is space that is changing over time. Therefore, yes, the creation itself is the whirlwind of chaos and the shattered shells of the material realm. But we say that God is Greater than the Creation. Therefore, they would lie if they would tell you that the Great Burner Plumed Serpent is the same as Sovereign Plumed Serpent, who would say that demiurgos is deity, that the wrathful deity vajra is really Mannu whose delusion is manvantara.

The Great Burner is the light that was there before there was an object to cast the first shadow. This object was the number zero, and its shadow our entire universe. Those among us who say, "Did God not put that object there, that the light should be divided, and thus to lower it and lessen it from before the throne of the Truth?" Answer them this way: "The higher Light is without source, without origin, without zero-point. This means that from it was made the object by God, and the object was the lesser light itself, and its shadow is our universe." This did not dimminish the Greater Light to have a portion of itself carved away and set aside. This is because the True Light is limitless, infinite, beyond all capacity to measure or define. Beside the infinitude of the Light, the lesser light is less than nothing. The shadow of the universe is contained within the object of the lesser light. They would tell you: This is God: the ability to turn the Greater Light into the Lesser Light, and even to bring the lesser light down within itself into the shadow of our universe. They would tell you that money is equal to time, and both finite. They know nothing, not even that they know nothing.

Now all this only means that the Sleep Walkers are the sworn enemies and counterparts in the same astral realm to the Crew that Never Sleeps. But what does this mean? It means that the Crew that Never Sleeps were created from the substance of the creation after the substance of the creation was itself created by its, and our, Creator, God. The Sleep Walkers are merely their shadows.

The Crew that Never Sleeps turn their faces upwards toward the Great Burner.

The Crew that Never Sleeps are the archetypes. The zodiac is like their shadow. The archetypes are the pure numbers, and how they relate. The Crew that Never Sleeps keep the Tables Turning. They make to be shuffled the deck of the archetypes, such that they move through and between us seemingly at random to us, when in reality ours is the lesser order beside that of the archetypes. One trait archetype will appear once. Later it will appear again. It is constant, and we merely move relative to it. Therefore, it sees us at all times, moving towards then away from and then towards it again. But it is a "permanent" thing. All these infinite variety of archetypes comprise the object, for such is revealed within the complexity of its shadow. But as I have said, already this infinitely various object is only a singularity, and already this has imploded and involuted through itself countless times.

So, have I not shown you the way now?

Awaken and fall upward into the shrill light and harsh tones of the "real" world. This is all we know about death, and about dying: it is like waking up. We have obviously been given quite a wonderous classroom in which to experiment with this premise, for we have our whole lifetime to become conditioned to the weightlessness and the fuzzy, diffuse fading into the light that constitutes the process of waking up from being asleep. So we say that when we die it is thus: One is dissolved into the invisible light, melted into the cool breeze of the fire that consumes without burning.

As reality itself begins to awaken around you there will appear strange hallucinations as it shifts itself around in reflection beyond your senses of the content of your own imaginations, memories, dreams, deja-vus, etc. This is the Great Burner melting the illusory vision that has painted a false landscape across the sky. The Great Burner is being born through the cervix of this universe into our reality. You see, as we recognise a pattern, that causes it to increase its pace or rate of rapidity of its cycling.

There is a whole other realm than that which we are conditioned to be aware of. There is no such thing as pure space because what space is constantly changes, it is permeated and mutated, mangled, by time. So, too, is our conception of time completely upside down. We think that time can be traded in the form of money, a little work now for a little freedom later. But time is not a substance, not solid, static space. It is not only the Poincare section (slice) of the present moment in Planck time (smallest possible duration based on distance between particles). Time is the absence of space, time is the nigh unto infinite emptiness between the objects comprising the solid forms of space. Space (Shu, air) is like Hadit, the point, and Nuit is the feminine side of Tehuti. Time is simply beyond gravity, and this that we have here within earth's gravity well, money, is merely a simulacrum of time, like zero. If time were a fire, money would be its ashes.

In this "higher" realm, which many of us gain access to psychologically, all that has ever existed and all that ever will exist together. In this "higher" realm, all the archetypes are as real as you or I. Consider that we say, "there is nothing under the sun," and that we say, "it's all been done before." If everything under the sun has been done, then only that which has not yet been done will be new. But there are "new" things being discovered every day, and yet these new evidences only attest to ancient facts, long since changed.

All things are changed by the changers, those who move faster than a Planck time, the Builders, the Shadow People. And those that think they are the changers, they are guided by the true archetypes, naught but their servitors. And these archetypes, even they are only like the People of the Sun bowing before the "Son" God of Constantine and the Conquistadors. They bow down before the thing that even they cannot rightly comprehend, the nothingness to them only implied.

Now, to make a celebration out of it, succumb to the Shadow People, the Builders, the Changers, the Sleep Walkers, the true archetypal rulers over the cult of sleep, themselves merely the servitors of the Crew that Never Sleeps, who walk in the bold light of the Great Burner. Succumb once again to the dreams, by practise to make a perfect participant in this worthless cosmic game once freed of the confines of this immediate present tense. Fall in a dream, but await eagerly the day you will arise wide awake.

Succumb to Dreamland, Area 51, and to dreamtime, the Painted Sky of the Aborigines. Succumb to fatigue and to the withering of the beautiful blooming lotus being ground into tomorrow's soma. Another day, another grind, but the soma is all saved up. It is all saved up for you at the end, so when you die, you will be propelled rapidly to a great height in the hierarchy of the heavens, in proportion to the amount of your work, karma, or deeds: the ashes left over after the body was given fully over to be consumed within the fire of time, of Heraclitus.



this information is all © 2006- Jonathan Barlow Gee