


the POD calendar



The current form of calendar we use to navigate the copious historical records in our archives is one derived from much study over many generations, and has come down to us as being the most efficient nmemonic method to understand the general history of the current Pythagorean Order of Death. Even finding out why we are called "Pythagorean" requires some quick cross-referencing to materials describing the dates under consideration. And this presents the problem. The solution is, as you shall now see, a form of short-hand, combined-meaning idiograms each representing a roughly 2,000 year long span of human history. The most convenient way to study the dated historical materials is to use these symbols to remember the events that occured during that particular solar "Aeon" (or 2000 year long span). Following a brief exposition on the system in general, I will present some contextual references for each, from their own historical era. Because we use the "Aeons" of the sun to count these spans of time, we measure according to precession, so we read backwards from the present to the past in the same order on the zodiac we would read forwards for the months in a year. ie. counting backwards from the date (+)4,000YP towards the present, ~(+)2009YP, then we would follow from Aries to Taurus the same as in reckoning the months of the mean year. Lastly I must mention that this "calendar" is calibrated the same as the "Atlantean" and "Lemurian" calendars, such that it reads from the northern hemisphere, on the summer solctice, for the year (+/-)0YP. Now I will return to the material at hand here:


the POD calendar is given thus:


To begin with, what we are looking at here is a simple circle, divided into 12 equal parts, and each of these sections separated up into three sections all denoting the same meaning. On the outermost ring, we have a series of ratios and titles. To make use of these one must have already studied extrensively the "Seasons of the Pope" document available in the publically published Atlantean Constitutions. Here is a direct link to it:

The outermost ring of ratios refers to the rate of initiated executives to unininitated executives during any given term of the seven chief executives of Atlantean Democracy. In a group of seven, there are 14 ways the group's membership could break down, if being stratified into two groups (initiates or non-initiates). These 12 ratios describe situations within the perameters of this comparison: the number of initiates to non-initiates within the group of seven chief executives of Atlantis. All of these 12 are doubles, each with some other, and these doubles reflect opposite comparitive traits. The "titles" are simply nmenonic devices for remembering these ratios.

The innermost ring is a list of 6 groups of 7 and 6 groups of 12, according to the dominant population during the given solar "Aeon" to which each refers. This pattern obviously forms a repeating cycle, but it is a "cork-screw" model of time, such that each cycle around we gradualy progress one notch "up." Thus, the 7 Arch-angels of the Kamea who ruled at the begining of our oldest historical records are the same as the 7 "Xibalba Be" that will occupy the same position in the circular cycle one rotation around, in (+)4,000YP.

In the middle row of the three rings are the ideograms we, in the modern Pythagorean Order of Death, use to catalogue the immense sum of all our historical lessons in one simple system. Each ideaogram has two glyphs within one or a combination of two geometric shapes. The shapes derive from the ratios of the "Seasons of the Pope." The glyphs indicate a sign of the zodiac and one of 12 planets (including Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, as well as two others, Nibiru and Tiamat, doubling for our sun and moon). If that "Aeon" was governed by a group of 7, then the planetary influence rules, and if a group of 12 traits governed, then the sign of the zodiac will be displayed as superior. The glyphs and shapes are colour-coded to the "Queen's scale" sequence of colours attributed to the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 7 classical planets and the 3 basic elements.

Thus ends the "crash-course." As regards the names of each of these idiograms, and the translation of the names, each name is one of the 12 Sumerian planets, and the meaning of each name is one of the 12 Mayan "Xibalba," Gods of the Underworld. On to some more encyclopediac-type entries for each of the POD's measures of the solar "Aeons."



the Aeons




demon of jaundice

Venus / Aries :: 4:3 :: "Arich Anpin" (lit. the "long-face")
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Angels

Let us begin in the Aeon from (+)4,000 - (+)6,000YP, that is still around 2,000 years in our future. Ancient astronomers also observed the celestial events we are observing now, and those who remained recorded what happened. All the ancient myths of the world describe a galactic-crossing era, followed by a flood at the beginning of the age of modern civilsation. Now we are seeing the galactic-crossing era, and so, from these ancient records, we can study what to expect will follow. The oldest records of these times describe a great war in the heavens between the north and south, as both realsied the other would attempt to claim its indigenous resources in the event of a global cataclysm. By (+)4,000YP we can expect massive amounts of resources to have been depleated, and alternative courses of action pursued. Thus, in the most ancient legends known to mankind, the records of the pre-deluvial Sumerians, they describe a panic that the world will end due to the abuse of some unique form of technology. This is then followed by natural disasters and massive population redistributions. The records of our Order's history describe events dating back hundreds of thousands of years beyond this as well, however it is from this era in the past that the records first began to be codefied and kept as a written and oral history. So, we know of this era only that they were great historians, but that their kind would, eventually, die out to be replaced by us.

This aeon dates backwards to the beginning of the end of the last north-hemisphere ice-age, when N. America and Europe were glaciated. As these glaciers melted, sea levels rose rapidly worl-wide. It was only this recently also that glaciers formed over Antarctica, which had been our home at the time for many hundreds of thousands of years.

It also dates forward to a time in our own future, and it is beginning from this point that we start counting backwards, until we will reach the same spot at the beginning.



blood gatherer

Uranus / Taurus :: 2:5 :: "the Tyranny of Any Pope"
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Nibiruins

These are the modern times, when planets and our galactic hub align. But bear in mind they also aligned when we were in the position on the opposite side of the circular cycle from where we are now. Instead of a solar eclipse, as we will see in (+)2,012YP, they simply saw a lunar eclipse, but otherwise, the alignment was the same. At that time, it was the peak of the end of the last north hemisphere ice age, and the devastation of the climate change at its highest point. Likewise, on the opposite side of the cycle, we find the peak of the south-hemisphere ice-age's effect on the north being largely countered by an increasing sunspot cycle. Just as, in our opposite position, the lunar tides were drawn by the alignment with the gravity of galactic core, so too now are the sunspots related to our upcoming alignment between the sun and galactic core. The ancient texts recorded all this as an era of aridness in one hemisphere correspondent to an era of extreme frigidity in the other.



bloody claws

Gemini / Tiamat :: 6:1 :: "Le Mort Perfect Pope"
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Churches

The era of 7 Churches marked the period of mourning for the death of the "Perfect Pope" of the Order, Pythagoras, the Order's second-founder. During this period the diaspora of Jesus' immediate family spread out to claim many of the kingdoms of Europe, only to suffer vicious pogroms to exterminate them at the hands of the Church invented in Jesus' name. This appearance of an internal schism within the western establishment of civilisation was planned out by Pythagoras many years before the Romans took advantage of the person of Jesus to tell their own Gospels about him. By devoting his life to studying the mathematical patterns of nature, Pythagoras not only gained the respect of his peers and students, he foresaw beyond his own time-period, and predicted the need to maintain some form of civil-order in the event of a global catastrophe. That is why he divided the POD into an "exoteric" ouer-shell and an "esoteric" inner-core, and made them appear to compete from the outside, while really co-operating in private. Such is the case between the Catholic church and the descendents of Jesus.



bloody teeth

Moon / Cancer :: 1:6 :: "kings"
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Apostles

Prior to Jesus there were many failed attempts by ordinary people trying to rise up against the overwhelming social oppression and speak out against the dominant dogmas of the day. These were not "false-Messiahs," anymoreso than was Jesus himself. All who have tried to change the system from within have been killed for it. Consider that the Buddha, in eastern culture, offered a system for "transcendence" (from reincarnation by meditation) that was met with high regard, whereas in the western culture, a very similar, though greatly over-simplified version (salvation through works) was proferred by Jesus, and he was assassinated for it. The reason for this is timing, since the people of that day knew they were counting down to the date of the change of an Aeon. The result was a great enthusiasm before the actual significant date, and a great disappointment and frustration following it, when the world, once again, failed to end. However for 2000 years leading up to this, there was a vastly diverse population of pre-Christian "Messiahs."



scab stripper

Neptune / Leo :: 3:4 :: "Arich Anpin" (lit. the "long-face")
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Tribes

Just as later, in the time of Jesus, there was a great social hope for a "Son" diety, a solar monotheistic saviour, at the end of the prior Aeon there had been a seasonal shifting from northern hemisphere summer into autumn, and thus a waning in the previous, "wrathful solar deity" cults marked by "petro" (bloodletting) rites, and worship of "God the Father of Time." The last great "Father-figure" was the phaorah Ahkhenaten, who embraced solar monotheism and dedicated his children to the worship of the solar sphere as a regenerative force. This Aeon began with Moses and the Hebrew Exodus, and ended with the birth of Buddha, Pythagoras and Jesus.



demon of pus

Virgo / Mars :: 6:1 :: "le mort false Pope"
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Generations

At the beginning of this Aeon, there was the great flood that destroyed much of Iraq and S. America. At the end of this era, the pyramids had been built, the civilisations of Mesopatamia had recovered and become empires, and there was sustained trans-Atlantic trade between the Egyptians and the Olmec of S. America. This era was marked by a rush for a recovery from the climatological cataclysm of the final floods at the end of the last north hemisphere ice-age. This rush eventually began to excede the capacity for sustainance provided by the environment. At this point the empires of the ancient world have all followed the same course, beit the earliest Sumerians, the mighty Egyptians, or the more recent Aztec: when the local resources become scarce, an un-winable war is begun to conquer the resources of the nation's neighbors. Thus, by the end of this Aeon, all the great attempts at recovering the global civilisations of before the floods had already died out to internal schisms and succumbed to the "enemy within."



bone scepter

Jupiter / Libra :: 1:6 :: "false Pope"
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Sethites

Prior to the final floods at the mid-point of summer in the northern hemisphere, a great, global civilisation flourished. This was the epoch of Lemuria, and our records relate much of their life-style at this time. People primarily lived on the coasts, and kept away form the last remaining tribes of neanderthals and cromagnons who migrated much further inland. This period of time is described diversely as an era of peacefulness and luxury, with the greatest temptation being to risk losing sobriety. It was during this time that much of the originally scientific cosmologies that have become the great myths of the world were first drafted. The meanings of all the Aeons were compared to try to find some solution to unlocking them for one's own good. It was, for the better portion of this Aeon, our own human species that was in a minority among the other families of hominids. This was the period when the first European "menhirs" were raised, as well as the first "stone heads" of Easter Island.




Scorpio / Mercury :: 2:5 :: "the tyranny of any Pope"
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Nefilim

It was in this Aeon that the homo-sapien species disctinctly diverged from its ancestors, the australopithocenes and the neanderthals, and began competing for attention against the cromagnons and the clovis, or "grooved ware" people. During this Aeon, the Clovis finally became extinct, and the last of the neanderthals and cromagnons appear to have died out in the massive floods of successive Aeons. At this stage, we were learning to use tools that had been developed many Aeons previously, by other species of hominid. For a variety of physiological reasons, our species finally won out in the end against the other species of hominids. This was the era during which the final populations of species were still recovering from the beginning of the end of the last north hemisphere ice-age and resettling into new, often vastly different, environments. Migration among the tribes of early people was the primary way of survival, and gone were the days of comfort in Antarctica.



7 death

Nibiru / Saggitarius :: 4:3 :: "Zeir Anpin" (lit. the "short-face")
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Powers

During this era, there was a great amount of conflict between various tribes of australopithocenes and neanderthals from various different equatorial regions. Apparently, inter-continental travel was common, although there was a much greater influx of immigrants from the glaciating Antarctica than there appears to have been diversity of cross-cultural trade. The first great civilisations of the equatorial regions can be dated to as early as this time, with the origination of the Vedic caste-system, the civilisation of Sumeria, and the practise of pyramid-building in Egypt and China. By this Aeon, the great "Atlantean" civilisation that had flourished in Antarctica had completely concluded. It was during this Aeon that the "Gods" were said to be "at war" with one another. City-states often fought, but more often trade prevailed. The tension of evacuating Antarctica was fading, but the security in a new home, the australopithocenes of the day did not yet have.



1 death

Sun / Capricorn :: 3:4 :: "Zeir Anpin" (lit. the "short-face")
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Archons

It was during ths Aeon that the australopithocenes began to inter-breed with the north-hemisphere neanderthals to beget the three chief species that would compete for dominance for the next 4 Aeons; namely the cromagnon, the clovis and homo-sapiens. This period corresponds to the australopithocene migrations out of Antarctica following the primary Aeonic-summer seasonal flooding of the southern hemisphere as the northern hemisphere ice-caps continued to recess at a rapid rate. This was the Aeon when the australopithocenes who had begun to migrate out of Antarctica in the previous Aeon began to collonise the equatorial regions.




Aquarius / Pluto :: 5:2 :: "3/2"
ruler over the Aeon of: 7 Enlilites

During this Aeon, the rapid thawing out of the ice-bergs above Europe and N. America was threatening the south-hemisphere network of coastal civilisations centered around Antarctica. Prior to this time, the equaotrial regions were only beginning to be explored by the northward-migrating australopithocenes of antarctica. It was unknown then if the regions could sustain the massive influx of population predicted as necessary. There was a general panic among the austrolopithocene population of antarctica. They recalled legends of pevious wars between the north and south hemispheres to compete for territory following sudden, global climatological shifts. They desired to avoid this, but began reluctantly preparing for war in case one seemed unavoidaable. The general stress level became unbearable, and the original Atlantean idealisms of the antrctic australopithocenes had been lost by this Aeon.



skull scepter

Saturn / Gemini :: 5:2 :: "23"
ruler over the Aeon of: 12 Anunnaki

Following the great north-south wars during the prior Aeon, the australopithocenes of antarctica lived in harmony with their environment and did not suffer any seriously adverse effects in their climate due to the beginning of the end of the last north hemisphere ice-age. This was the time of greatest study and advancement in the sciences of the mind, and the australopithocenes of antarctica from this aeon could achieve telekinesis and levitation of massive stone blocks was common knowledge. This was the Aeon of the most high Atlantean idealism among the australopithocenes of antarctica. It was during this era that all the high sciences and laws of "Atlantis" as they are known now among the POD were originally codefied. Although it was highly idealised, the forms of pure, Atlantean form of Democracy as laid out in the constitutions has never yet been put into public practise. In the end, the primary fall of antarctic, australopithocene, Atlantean civilisation was that it remained loyal to the royal dynasty of kingship, and never achieved the Democracy it idealised.



this information is all © 2009 Jonathan Barlow Gee