


Key to Reading the Revised Astrological Precession of Fourth Order Elemental Forces




1) ATRIBUTION OF SIGN: these pertain to whether the sign is "movable," "fixed" or "common" as relates to the "attraction" of each sign to its "throne" (or a certain "pure" element assigned to it) in accordance with a counter-rotation of the movable and common signs around and about the fixed signs by recombinations of the fourth-order in the compositions of their relative elements.

2) ATTRIBUTION OF DEKAN: these pertain to whether the particular dekan is "ascendent," "cadent" or "succedent" based on the first, second or third 10 degrees of each 30 degree sign it occupies.

3) HIEROGLYPHIC DEKAN: these are the hieroglyphic representations of the dekans according to the solar Egyptian civil calendar as per each representing 1/3 of 1 sign, or 10 degrees each of the ecliptic.

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this information is all © 2004- Jonathan Barlow Gee