


the Table of Union



1) ELEMENTS (or element of element): along the left column are listed the pure elements in ascending order of occurance by formation as forces in modern astro-physical cosmology. From each character of this column derives a row of "lesser" or comined elements. Of these the trait to the left presents the applied characteristic to the base character trait to the right. It should be noted that the doubled or combined elements cross from lower right to upper left.

2) NUMBERS OF RATIO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ELEMENTS: there are to be read between each element and that given below it, or, in the case of those on the lowest row, with those on the uppermost row. These represent the degree in difference of certain qualifying categorical traits, given by Aristotle as adjectives and given rank by Cornelius Agrippa. Refer to the NOTE by SRMD, p. 611, Regardie's GOLDEN DAWN.

3) THE CORRESPONDENT TRAITS OF THE I CHING: these are given where applicable, the trigrams following an upward-left diaganol concourse, and the hexagrams following a downward-right diaganol concourse, so that they overlap and cross by one another.

4) THE MONTHS OF THE MAYAN HAAB AND THE UYEB: there are eighteen proper months in the Mayan Haab, or solar calendar, and these are given upward-left diaganolly in accordance with the pattern of the numbers of ratio difference between the elements. The interpolation of the Uyeb (in ratio 2 and 4 in the left column) represent the interpolation between certain months of the 5 xma kaba kin. This being the fifth tablet, it can also represent the addition to one of the two Uyeb of a sixth xma kaba kin, as the equivalent of a leap year.

5) THE LETTERS GIVEN BY DEE FROM THE BLACK CROSS: these letters, which derive from the sectional division of the Watchtowers, are taken thus as a whole, singular series to be read from left-right before top-bottom, and signify the ruling dignities of the "pure" elements.

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