Sin City Style

Before I start posting these, let me say that Frank Miller has been near and dear to my heart since the first Sin City graphic novel. That being said, I should also warn you that I'm not too bad with photoshop. I don't mean to brag, but I should add, these are all my photoshopped "Frank Miller style" versions of stills from my own home videos.

First, here is a comic scroll from the Matrix universe, in the style of Frank Miller.

and here are just some unrelated frames:

Tell me what you think about mine, and also I'd like to add to Skaje's comments a reminder that you can find pictures of DAMN NEAR ANYTHING on the interweb. I would love to do image searches for different pictures to collage into a comic book page or two, but that project will have to wait. Anyway, hope you guys like these, and Skaje, I can't wait to see more; I know you have photoshop, eh?

Here's a couple more colourful ones...

and one not so bright one...

Hope you enjoy.



this information is all © 2006 Jonathan Barlow Gee