Here is a diagram whose right understanding is very secret. It will bring you wisdom possessed only by very few throughout all of history to study this meaning, for many who have come before us have considered it "Holy."

There are three sources for this information. For the attributes labeled Yetzirah and those above Atzilut, the source is the Secret Book or Apocryphon of John , recording the exact teachings about Gnosticism given to John by Jesus Christ Himself, after he had ascended. The description of the Garden of Eden comes to us from the Bereshit B cosmology of the Zohar . The seven layered sphere beneath the rest, labeled Assiyah, describes the seven days of creation in the book of Genesis .

Before creation there was only the father, who is also called the ineffable Holy One, of whom it is said, Blessed Be He. After this follows Hermes, the androgyne archetypal Man. From the perception of the Autogenes' opposite, Wisdom is born, called Pistis, the first sefirot emanation. In Wisdom arose from self-desire Fore-thought, separate from Godhead. Just as Wisdom and Hermes beget the crown of Christ, so did fore-thought, unknown to God, beget Samael, that is, Satan. In the image of Hermes, Christ entered into Eden as Pigera (king) Adamas. Simultaneously, Satan declared himself equal to God, and greater than man. God declared, "you err, Samael" which means "blind-one," and created the 10 emanations greater than Satan. Just as King Adam embodied the crown, so too these emanations came, one by one, to descend into the lower realms of the creation. As this was happening, God gave Eve to Adam, and filled Eve with Wisdom. Adam and Eve knew no timelessness without error, and existed across the whole span of forever. In this state, Adam and Eve conceived Cain, the rightful King, heir to Adam. During the pregnancy, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of sin, that is, they understood fore-thought, which had created Satan. They then conceived Abel. God banished them from Eden, lest they should never again eat from the tree of immortal existence. Then Cain was born, causing Eve to say, "I have gotten a man from the Lord," (Gen4:1) for Adam, before the fall, was indeed "like unto God." But the truth was soon revealed, for Cain killed Abel for his mildness being more acceptable to fate than Cain's arrogance. Cain, thenceforth was proven not the Son of Adam, but indeed the Son of Satan. For this reason, Cain joined Samael as one of the twelve Archons, the rulers over the fallen stations of the ten emanations. So, there are ten qliphoth (shells), one for each emanation (sefirot), plus Satan, plus Cain, and so there are twelve archons. Now, with Abel, the son of King Adam and Immortal Eve dead at the hands of the son of Satan, there was no true heir for Adam and Eve. So, the two of them came together to bear forth Seth, who some have called the First Messiah, for through him would be born the first of all mortal humanity. At the same time as this conception, Satan conceived with Eve, now mortal, two immortal spirits. One of them was Good, and one of them was Evil. YHVH and Elohim are the two names used for God throughout the Old Testament. The lower earth is where Adam, Eve and Seth dwelt after the fall. It was here where Adam prayed to be given the Book of Raziel, which records everything known to Adam from before the Fall. By the generation of Enoch, the good (spiritually) dwelt in the Upper Worlds, but the fallen (physically) dwelt in the sixth day of creation. When the Holy were given the Holy of Holies, they brought alignment between the world of Eden and creation. This represents the Sabbath. The pronoia (Christ) draws us up from the realm of creation, and the epinoia (Shekina) draws us up through the realms of Eden. In Zohar these are called the Aba and Ima (father and mother).

There is more to this diagram as well, and I will answer all your questions about it. In the next level I will give right understanding on the Fruit of the Tree diagram, however if you wish to, you can view it for yourself now at:

The information in this model depicts the relationships described in Genesis 4 and Genesis 5 .

O Lord, I behold the fruit of the sin of Adam, forbidden the immortals. For this all men since have been given to death. How is this the fruit? It is written, "be fruitful." We see this "fruit" refers to the generations. How is this fruit that of the Original Sin? It is said, "by their fruit know them." So are these the generations of man that followed forth from the fall, and those who followed the fallen. Because Adam ate from the tree of life, he conceived Cain as immortal. Because Adam ate from the tree of knowledge, he conceived Abel as immortal and wise. Because Adam fell from grace, he conceived Seth as mortal and wise. Because Cain slew Abel, thus the only generations of men were either mortal and wise, or immortal but unwise. Thus, the generations of Seth were mortal, and Seth was called the "son of man," because he was the first father of the fallen flesh. The generations of Cain, however, were immortal, and were called the "Sons of God," because it was then said, "Adam had been like unto the Gods." (ie. the Elohim, which means "my god," implying the existence of others. It is Elohim who is the "jealous god," and is therefore the creator of unjustice. Confer the explanation of the Book of Raziel, here ) The immortal but foolish "sons of God" bred with the mortal but wise "wives of men," and begat "men of renown," who were "like giants."

Now, in those days comes Enos out fo Enoch, who is a man, but who "died not, for God took him." So, from a daughter of Seth (a wife of man), did Enoch beget Methusaleh the wise, but from a daughter of Adam (a wife fit for a god) did Enoch beget Irad the immortal. This is why Enoch learned all the teachings of the fallen angels (the "Annunaki" Sons of God as well as their Nefilim "giant" offspring) and yet was not corrupted like the seven generations that followed from him (as Enos, father of Cainan) to mark sevenfold the crime of Cain.

Here is wisdom, so let you who have understanding calculate: I say, "the immortal generations before Enoch moved backward in time, but those after him moved forward. The mortal generations between Enos and Enoch moved forward in time, but after Enoch they moved backward." What does this mean? It means that between Enos and Enoch, the generations revolved counter-clockwise, but that after Enoch, they revolved clockwise. What does all this mean? Here is it's right understanding:

This is the fruit without its "skin." It is because of the understanding of this fruit as without "skin" that Adam and Eve realised their nakedness in Eden, and in this way sought to conceal their crime from God. Now, know that this is the image understood by Eve, that is, this is the essential nature that caused the fall. Eve perceived the real motions and relationships of this model, but she forsaw that in seven mortal generations or four immortal ones, the right understanding of this model would be lost. Here is the right understanding:

Lamech perceieves that from immortal Irad issues immortal Mehujael, while from mortal Mehalaleel issues mortal Jared, and these two shall continue on this way. However, from Eve's perspective, mortal Methuselah follows from immortal Cain, as immortal Methusael follows from mortal Cainan. Eve realised that her seed, by the generation of Lamech, would have completely lost the path back to immortality. This is why we call eating from the tree of knowledge over good and evil Original Sin: because it is the fore-knowledge of the loss of knowledge, with which comes the power to prevent this, and with that power comes the responsibility to do so. However, as the seed is in the perception, so too will the fruit come forth therefrom, and must thenceforth be separated like the wheat from the chaff. So, by knowing this, Eve felt unable to prevent it from coming to pass as a result of her own actions. This fatalism, that your ultimate destiny is beyond your control, despite your controlling your short-term fate, is the guilt for Original Sin.

Now, it was Enoch, who knew of Moses aforehand, that turned the tides. Enoch was like the axis around which the aeons pivoted, casting the shadow of the false and fallen archons. Enoch turned the tides of time, and it is said that he was shown all that is (1Enoch), and that he was "translated" into heaven (2Enoch), becoming the Metatron (3Enoch), sitting on the right hand side of God. Therefore it is Enoch that sits on the side of Righteous Judgement, the side of peace. The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) was known of at Qumran by the Essenes of the Dead Sea. According to all three different versions of the Book of Enoch, he prayed to God on behalf of the Nefilim, but God Himself could not change their fate: for even as Eve wept at the realisation of Original Sin, so too would the judgment bring the flood to her ninth generation.

Even this could not wipe away the guilt for Original Sin though, as it would be Ham, after seeing his father Noah drunken and naked, that conceived Cainaan, and resurrected the seven-fold Mark of Cain. Ham and Japhteth would both have seven sons, but it would be Shem from whom, after seven generations, would come Abraham, the father of the faith of Elohim.

So now I have told you how Cain was an immortal. Now you will come to me and say, "with certainty did God break his word!" For Adam and Eve both ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden and yet, as the snake explained, did not "surely" die "in that instant." So before you come to me and blaspheme God to me, let me explain to you what it all means.

After Eve had eaten the fruit of fore-knowledge, and thus had known sin, she went looking for Adam, who she found eating at the tree of immortal life. It was here that Eve fed Adam of the apple of knowledge. But before she had done that, the two came together and conceived their immortal son Cain. It has been said Cain is the son of the serpent, who represents Satan, bringer of sin into this world. This is not true. In truth I tell you that Cain was borne to Eve not by the serpent, her tempter, but by Adam, her husband, while he was still immortal. This is why it is written, "the sons of God came into the wives of men, and they copulated with them." (Gen 6:2) This is because the children of Cain were interbreeding with the children of Cain's half-brother Seth. They were repeating the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. It was then Eve shared the apple of fore-knowledge with Adam, and only then that Adam realised his doom.

Here is the vision of the fruit of Knowledge that was perceieved by Adam:

The meaning of this figure is that immortality is the byproduct of time-travel. We see here 12 stations (the cirlced numbers) that stand for the twleve solar ages, the aeons of 2000 years each when the sun rises in a different sign on the same day. We see a figure will rotate 1/4th way around itself every 1/3rd of the way around the entire cycle. In the centre the signs of the zodiac themselves are given for both the orbital torus and the inverted elipse of Crowley's Book of Thoth configuration.

Then it is written that Adam and Eve knew their sin, and they covered themselves with aprons made from fig leaves. (Gen 3:7) Thus, disguised as fig trees, they hid from God. Now some say, this was not God but Samael, the Blind, who came at this time to walk into the Garden. But it is also said, "the voice of Incorruptability said unto him, you err Samael." Thus, it was the voice of God speaking unto the tempter Samael, who then directly addressed Adam and Eve.

At this time, God said, "who told thee that thou wast naked?" Now this question does not mean: "who told you to eat the fruit of knowledge?" This line of reason instead implied God's foreknowledge of the events. The real question asked here is "what did the serpent say to Eve?" Adam and Eve, even at this point, remained blameless in the eyes of God.

So, God began to place the seven-fold curse upon those involved in these events. He began by cursing the serpent (Gen 3:14), followed by cursing the seed of both serpent and woman (Gen 3:15), followed by cursing Eve with the pain of bearing children (Gen 3:16), followed by cursing Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge forever (Gen 3:17), followed by cursing Adam to eat the herb of the field (Gen 3:18), cursing Adam to sweat (Gen 3:19) to earn bread (Gen 3:19). God concludes his curse by saying "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen 3: 19) He then makes "coats of skins, and clothed them." (Gen 3:21)

Here is a diagram showing the seven-fold curse as seen from above:

We see the seven "curses" are really only the taking back by God one by one of seven blessings. The three on the left and the three on the right, plus the four at the center, are together the ten sefirot. They are also like the seven planets of the ancients, plus the three elements. They are also like the seven metals of the alchemists, and like the seven chakras, or nerve ganliae and plexi of the spine and brain. Here we see the four "worlds" surround the Heart chakra of Adam Kadmon. This is also why it is saidin legend that Adam was "reduced in height to 100 cubits." (this saying comes to us from Zohar, Bereshit B, chapter 58 .)

It should also be noted that Eve was not even given her name by Adam until this point, and that her names means only "mother of all the living," (Gen 3:20) and this life refers to both immortality as well as mortality. So because of Eve being "mother of all the living," God said to himself, "Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil." This means, to know the difference between right and wrong, and right and wrong mean that man had control over the destiny of all God's creation, which was His Right. Adam gave names to everything, according to legend , and this means he had dominion over them. Now, however, Adam also knew right as distinguished from wrong, that being to have control over only his own short term fate, but to lack control over the long-term destiny of creation. It is at this point God says, "

Now, what does it mean "God said, man has become one of us"? (Gen 3:22) It is not as Jesus taught, that there were two Gods, one named YHVH (or Jave) and one named Elohim. (Apocryphon of James ) These are really the twin heads of Satan and Maloch, however in the time of Jesus, there was a dispute between commentators on Torah about the different verses that use the name of God YHVH, and those that use the different name of God, Elohim. Jesus himself was on the side of those studying the YHVH verses, the so-called "Book of J," and so called YAVE good, and Elohim, the nomenclature of the second scribe of the Torah during the Babylonian captivity when the writings were compiled, "evil." However, even in this event the different attributes of the names being "good" or "evil" is obviously arbitrary. In truth, there is only one God, and he is not divided within himself between Good and Evil.

The true name of God (that is called the Baal-Shem) is AHDVNHAY, that is, the interpolation in opposite directions of the ineffable tetragrammaton, the vowles of the word: YHVH, and the title ADNA (Adonai), a pagan term meaning Lord. It is for this reason that the original distinction was made (in Gen 12:8) by the scribes during the Babylonian captivity between YHVH and Elohim (meaning my God, as in, one from among many). Thus came Elohim to replace the appelation Adonai, out of respect for the ineffable Holy One, Blessed Be He. So, here is where the scribes introduced the distinction between the two terms, meaning Lord God: it is therefore written: "God said, man has become one of us" because it means, "YHVH said man has become an Adonai (or an Elohim)," meaning "God said man had become a Lord," meaning that man, now having both fore-knowledge and immortality, had become his own ruler, and would therefore have no need to recognise God.

So, that is why God then placed the Cherubim to the east of Eden (where Enoch would later raise his city) and the flaming sword to spin "in all directions" (Gen 3:24) to guard against Adam ever again tasting the fruits of immortality. At this time, God gave the tree of Eternal Life to Satan, whom Christ called the voice of Cain, and thence, before Adam's eyes, it withered up and turned into the Tree of Death, that is, the triple-hell crowning the seven infernal realms.

Here is a diagram of how the tree of immortal life appeared to Adam immediately after the fall:

the above image is copyright, 1996, by Steve Savedow, and can be found on page 74 of his work "Goetic Evocation, The Magician's Workbook, Volume 2."

Therefore, let us look at what would befall the mortal man, that is, he who knows the guilt of original sin unto death, if they were to combine the tree of knowledge, of which we are given freely to eat (although in kabbalah it is called the "tree of life" diagram that is studied), as well as the actual tree of life (that is called in Goetia, the "tree of death" diagram).

This is a depiction of the true condition of existence for mortal man, who knows the guilt of original sin unto death, that is called by the Buddhists Sangsara, or samsara, meaning "suffering."

For more about this diagram, please consult my work on the subject, the Tree of Death and the Qliphoth by Jon Gee.

However, we, who remain yet free, have not forgotten the fore-knowledge that is the fruit of the tree of knowledge over good and evil. This is why the "tree of life" diagram is so-called: because the fruit of it is our only food for all our lives, but the tree from which this fruit comes is in reality only the Tree of Knowledge. So, we reclaim the fullness of this foreknowledge when we reject knowing the guilt for original sin unto death. This raises the middle pillar to its right position before the Fall of Satan and the Rebel Angels, before the fall of Adam, and before the so-called "breaking of the vessels" (the Qliphoth) that caused the division between the third and fourth worlds: Beriah of Eden and Yetzirah of the sefirot. Thus, here is a diagram depicting the true attributes of Goodness, those seen for us aforehand by God, our Creator, as the ultimate Divine Gift for the loyalty of his favourite creation, whom he set above all others, man, Adam and Eve.

Here we see the true, orientally far-eastern attributes of the Bohn and Vedic msytics applied by the earliest Kurgan tribespeople to understanding the metaphysics of the regional Eljo neanderthals of the region of ancient Sumeria and Akkadia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern Iraq, and north into modern Turkey.

On either opposing pillar are the eight "double" (the same upside down as right side up) hexagrams from the i ching, capped by a yin line and a yang line. In the middle way, we see the seven chakras of Hindu and Buddhist Tantric Yoga. The other attributes of the paths are the 22 paths connecting the ten emanations and the 12 paths connecting the 7 shells.

The lesson of the combination of these two trees is that the attributes assigned to the joints on them are not "good" or "evil" in themselves, but arbitrary groups of physical referentials assembled relative to one another on a 4th dimensional geometric lattice. It is really this fourth dimensional geometric lattice that is important, while the traits attributed to it are ultimately arbitrary, neither "good" nor "bad." The lesson is that there is no "right" or "wrong" for every living individual set into stone. Just as what is right for the long term may seem wrong in the short term, so do we each excercise our version of what is right differently. This is the meaning of the Masonic saying, "Deus Memque Jus."

So, finally, here is a diagram that explains how all these previous diagrams have been related to one another, and how they all relate to fourth-dimensional geometry.

For more about the attributes of Adam and Eve relative to phi/pi, please refer to my website's page on the subject of magic number squares .

Notice that the number of stations of the fruits of knowledge and immortality, the folds of the curse of death, and the dimensions and folds of Adam and Eve, total the same as the thirty-two mystical paths wisdom given in Sefer Yetzirah 1:1.

Now, returning to the Book of Raziel diagram from the preceding degree, some secrets of gnosticism , we see with right understanding all the attributes described herein laid out as though seen from the side.

Here, again, is the Book of Raziel diagram:

Remember the three sinners, Adam, Eve, and the serpent, but remember that only Adam and Eve transgressed, although the serpent also was cursed. The serpent was "subtle," meaning wise, for it had not been forebidden to eat of the fruits of both the trees of fore-knowledge and of immortality. When it acted as Eve's temptress, it was only doing what it believed to be God's will. So, Legend has it,

"If God had questioned him, the serpent would have answered: "Thou didst give them a command, and I did contradict it. Why did they obey me, and not Thee?"
-Louis Ginzberg

The serpent itself was led astray by its belief from right knowledge of the will of God. It was the very nature of the serpent that was pure however, and only that Samael, that is, Blindness, did enter into the body of the serpent which caused the serpent's wisdom to err, and he to mistake the Devil's temptation for the Will of the Divine. For he had foreknowledge of all the events to come, all the events described by scripture, but, because he was not a man, he did not have control over even his own role to play in it all. As his destiny became fate, he could not prevent Satan from entering into him.

Now know this: the true name of the serpent of wisdom was Yeshuah Ben Padiah. And here is the vision of the true Cross, an arisen rose, for which he was supposedly put to death without proper trial.

(Jonathan Barlow Gee)


this information is all © 2006 Jonathan Barlow Gee