Gnosticism 010B

on my T4 (time travel) page, I introduce several new models very rapidly that might bear going into in deeper detail here.

to begin with, we have the initial model for the T4 hypothesis:

to which we must first pay close attention to the geometric graph on the left. This graph depicts the essential T4 time-travel hypothesis, expressed as "in 4D, X4 operates at right angles to t, with inertia K." 4D refers here to the three spatial and additional temporal dimensions of local spacetime. X4 refers to the point on the diagram on the left (above). As "t" (time) moves forward linearly (p) --> (f), X4 revolves around and, at perigee, moves opposite the direction of time. Thus we can say that X4 operates "at right angles" to t. Now, I'll get into the concept of "inertia K" later, but needless to say that will bring up general relativity, which I'd rather not get into at this still somewhat introductory stage.

Next we have the "final T4 paradigm" diagram:

that expresses essentially the same relationship(s) as in the previous, initial diagram. Here we see that X1 and X3 act like event-horizons, tapering off into 2D in the past and the future. Therefore, we associate X2 with space, and X4 with time. The goal of this model is to show how to reverse space and time. The way to do this is to create gravitic "torsion" (which I would recommend a quick google search for, but which I can't alot appropriate time to here).

Following from this came a purely geometric model of the motions involved in this graph. The result of attempting to depict this geometric model I will refer to as the initial "mc^2" model. Here it is:

Make careful study of this model and you will be able to discern the physics of creation. Just as we see the black pendulum in the "mc^2" model swings back and forth, so does it measure time only left and right, but remember that the rotation between space below and time above is the essence of the T4 model. That is why we say, "in 4D, X4 operates at right angles to time." The red circle we see head-on, but the line of time is side-to-side.

From this line of research I broke off in two directions. One of these led me down the road of pure geometric considerations, as I found I could extrapolate the pattern of a gnomon (infinitely self replicating pattern, similar to a fractal, but without self-termination). As such, we see the way I extrapolated the gnomon from the above diagram by taking the shape formed when the radius of a quarter-circle is taken to form the diameter of two lesser half-circles, and these ammended to two connected sides of the quarter circle, thus:

-original context

It may not be immediately obvious how, but the above geometry is the skeletal framework upon which the physics of the combined DeSitter/Reiman metric-tensor that was one of my preliminary assertions when I first began this site. Here is the diagram depicting the combined DeSitter Reiman:

-original context

Here is how the purely geoemetric model constitutes a skeletal framework upon which the physics model is based:

This basically ties the physics model on the right to the geometric pattern on the left by describing the "inverse square law." In other words, what we are looking at in both the "mc^2" and the "inverse square law" models is the same. The "mc^2" model renders a quantum or infinitely finite comparison, as one moment passes to the next at this level, so too does the "inverse square law" model render a cosmological or infinitely infinite comparison, measuring the engine of the universe's creation itself. Since the universe began in a single quantum uncertainty, we can call this pre-existent continuum comprised of a single quantum fluctuation the nulliverse. Thus we see that what we are looking at with these diagrams is a "slice" or, more appropriately, a shadow of the "engine of creation" model that we studied previously.

So, now that we have finished refreshing the t4 material, and seen how it relates to the present model under consideration, the "engine of creation" that surrounds the primal singularity's original formation, the so-called "big bang," let's return to the material regarding the exact composition of the overall shape and movements of the "engine of creation."

We have already seen how the geometric, skeletal "gnomon" relates and compares to the combined DeSitter/Reiman metric-tensor, however here we can clearly see that we can find the same pattern as the "gnomon" inside the "engine of creation" model itself, ie. inside the "big bang." Recall here that the three colours in the above right diagram represent the three forms of bending to a flat surface that can occur for a flat surface (convex saddle, concave sphere or flat) that determine the rate of "expansion" of the fabric of our own spacetime continuum. In truth, different locations in space at various times have different aspects combined of all three of these (closed, open, neutral) types of geometry.

Here we see the model I'd mentioned last time as depicting "the tau sub tau diagram... from a 90° angle from its standard position depiction as a tesseract." In this version of that diagram we can see a little more clearly exactly what I meant by this. Each of the sections in this model of our universal singularity is labeled the same as in the tau sub tau diagram that depicts the hypercube of "time" (or e) surrounding the "engine of creation" (mc^2) that comprises our universal/multiversal/nulliversal singularity.

-original context

However, what we need to remember is that, just as the gnomonic DeSitter/Reiman metric-tensor, that is, the "inverse square law" diagram (above), is only a "slice" or a "shadow" of the actual workings of the "engine of creation" or so-called "big bang," so too is this model of the omniversal singularity only a physical shadow or representation of a higher mathematical form or ideal, that being the torus or hypersphere.



this information is all © 2007 Jonathan Barlow Gee