

chiefs of

The Order of Death





the crew that never sleeps and
the myth of the Great Burner

Here is the face of viracocha:

Here is the face of Tonatiuh:

Here is the gateway of Viracocha:

Here is the calendar stone of Tonatiuh:

context: Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:26 am

Vajra is the Tibetan version of Viracocha.

Vajra is the male counterpart of the female Kali.

context: Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:56 pm

The Pushpuka vimana(wikilink) of the Rig Vedas, written by the blue-skinned Vedic race that gave Hindus their religion and Indians their caste system, is much alike the shemanna of Ashur-Banipal of ancient Assyria, or even the seraphim (fiery serpent or lightning bolt) chariot (surrounded by the elemental cherubim) of Shamash Utu, known as Ahurah Mazda of Persia.

Now compare this to the depiction of YHVH, the cosmic laughingstock, portrayed as Abraxas, with the head of a cock, the body of a boar and whose legs are two serpents.

The twin serpents represent the double-helix of DNA. Just as Inanna is the "mother of life," so she exalts the twin-serpents. Hermes also carries the cauducees staff aloft. But Abraxas, the Gnostic demiurge and Jewish God, has the twin serpents as his base. This is like the statue representing Babylon described to Nebuchadnezzar by Daniel:

The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. - Dan.2:32-33

The feet of Ialdabaoth, therefore, are the twin "names" of God, YHVH and Elohim. YHVH, the tetragrammaton of Hebrew QBLH, represents the extrapolated vowels from the divine name AHDVHNAY, meaning "the Lord God." The consonants of AHDVNHAY are taken to form the word Adonai, meaning, simply "Lord," "king," or "ruler." However even Adonai is considered too holy to say and too blasphemous to describe even the "divided name" of AHDVNHAY. So they substitute Elohim for Adonai.

The boar body of Ialdabaoth is frequently depicted as the torso of a man, wearing a breastplate of armour, usually speculated to be of gold, and holding a shield in one hand and a flail, mace or scourge in the other. However, we neo-Sethians understand this to merely be the middle-eastern interpretation of the same idea connoted by the boar element at the centre of every Buddhist wheel of sangsara mandala. The boar represents extreme heat, and in particular hot-bloodedness. The three Buddhist elements are: the boar, equivalent to heat and sulfer; the snake, representing cold and salt; and the rooster, representing mercury as mild oscillations between the two.

Thus, the rooster head of Abraxas, the Gnostic demiurge, the creator-devil, represents the temperment of the domestic fowl, fickle like a wind dial, and crowing at the false dawn. Remember that Ialdabaoth said, "I am the Most High," and this is why the Entirety gave him the name Samael, "the blind," and "Saklas," the fool. So, Abraxas, the YHVH of the "goyim," is depicted as having the head of a cock, but this should be taken to mean the same thing to a neo-Sethian as the constellation of Orion.

But look! Behind Abraxas are five elements. In some talismans these are depicted as pentacle stars, and in others as Greek vowels. According to E.A. Wallis Budge, these five represent the "Five Planets" (Budge, Amulets and Talismans, p. 208). The five nobles (other than the regal sun and moon) of the seven planetary dignitaries are equivalent to the five Aeons ("smoke, fire, wind, water and the darkness" according to Theodore Bar Konai; "water, darkness, abyss, chaos and the Holy Ghost" according to Ireneaus) that are the five sons of the Primal Man (again confer Bar Konai, the Mandaean).

context: Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:45 am



the Cult of Sleep and
the Order of Death

I should take a moment here to remind the reader of the Grades of the Order:

(click for a larger version)

where we see that The Free Mason degrees comprise the world of Assiah, the "material world," the Illuminati control the world of Yetzirah, the "formative world," the Rosicrucians rule the "creative world" of Briah, the Hermeticists are of the "archetypal world" of Atziluth.

confer for further reference to Aleister Crowley: 777, column CXXI (one hundred twenty one) of table IV (continued), page 25 of "six tables of correspondences" liber 777 revised.

The Order of Death consists of three component parts:

the neo-sethians

the cult of sleep

the Black Hand.

context: Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:45 am

The Sethians were gnostics, persecuted as the Cathars during the Inquisition by the Catholic Church. Because they have been anti-papal since then, the neo-Sethians have arisen to manipulate the Christian agenda during the alignment of the galaxies.

source: A dictionary of freemasonry, Robert Macoy, editor

Cathars believed that the world was evil. They believed the Gnostic concept of the Demiurge being its creator, and they also believed in reincarnation. The name Albigenian is associated with them after the name of a small town in the Albi region of southern France where the Inquisition was established in 1229, specifically to hunt out the Cathars.

It would be acceptable to say that the Catharist agenda would be anti-papal. But it would be closer to the truth to say that the Cathari see themselves as deevahs aligned with Ahurah-Mazda in a fight against Ahriman and the forces of darkness.

The Carbonari(wikilink), or the Path of the Black Hand.

the suppressed Order of the Cathars went underground, infiltrating the Knights Hospitallers, who had acquired through Pope Clement most of the Templar's wealth and properties. By 1530, they had militarised the Order and were stationed at Malta. The Cathars then operated through the Knights of Malta, which remain a formally militarised order, with permanent observer status at the UN, acting under the auspices of the catholic christian church, despite having recently opened itself to protestant membership.

Here is an assembly hall meeting of the modern Knights Malta.

Here is Helena Blavatsky seated beside Morya, who had yet not at that time ascended, Kuthumi, her personal spiritual guide, and St. Germain, who had ascended after his last incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon, "who really wrote the Shakespeare material."

context: Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:19 pm

Concerning the Secret Chiefs of the Order.. I can tell you nothing. I know not even their earthly names. I know them only by certain secret mottos. I have but very rarely seen them in the physical body; and on such rare ocassions the rendevous was made astrally by them. They met me in the flesh at the time and place appointed beforehand. For my part I believe them to be human and living on this earth; but possessing terrible superhuman powers.

- SL MacGregor Mathers

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:30 am

Two of the Masonic co-founders of the Golden Dawn.

Crowley in the garb of Osiris used during Golden Dawn rituals.

it was Aleister Crowley, while celebrating the Birth ritual of the New Aeon (prematurely to the death ritual of the old aeon), who foresaw the necessity of initiating the second-coming movement of christianity.

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:50 pm

Aleister Crowley in his Masonic regalia as the OHO of the OTO.

During the modern era the Order of Death was reformed from Masonry into the Illuminism of the Golden Dawn. During this time the first IHO was Mathers and the first OHO Crowley.

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:30 am



the Sleep Walkers and
the neo-Sethians

The next known OHO was William Seward Burroughs. It is believed that he became OHO soon after Crowley became IHO.

Here is the first neo-Sethian OHO to make himself publically known,
The name he used to identify his guild or ilk was "MUGWUMPS" (wikilink).

Although never discussed publically during Burroughs' own lifetime, the use of the tapes can now be openly admitted. Thus, over Burroughs' own voice in the recording low in the mix are the sounds that Burroughs himself was hearing in his own ears while speaking. The findings of this research reveals that the left ear audio usually dictated immediately prior to Burroughs repeating it word for word along with the performance of the reading Burroughs was doing. In the right ear it seemed to be the same dictation, that is, delivered in the same cadence, only trailing the other by a second or two, lagging behind so as to provide Burroughs a window through which to dictate the text aloud. the voices on the recording other than Burroughs are not his own. The leading voice has neither Burroughs' lilting Southern cadence nor his nasal tone of voice. The lagging voice is usually drowned out by Burroughs dictation over it.

Here you can listen to the vocal doubling effect for yourself: http://www.benpadiah.com/otherstuff/KymCarson.mp3

Upon Crowley's death, Burroughs ascended to become the IHO, and Jim Morrison became the OHO. Burroughs converted to neo-Sethianism shortly after his ascension to IHO, and it is believed that by the time Morrison became OHO he was already a neo-Sethian.

Here is the first neo-Sethian IHO, Jim Morisson, the "Lizard King."

Here are the modern day versions of the "Righteous Teacher"
and the "Wicked Priest" as prophesised by the gnostic Dead Sea scrolls.
Both advocate a return to the pre-neo Sethian ways of the Order.

"For my death, which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death...It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. I[t] was another upon Whom they placed the crown of thorns...And I was laughing at their ignorance."

- source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Treatise_of_the_Great_Seth
- general resource: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/2seth.html

the modern day neo-Sethian IHO and OHO of the Order of Death.

During this time, the popular faces of the order were George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon, however the two most powerful people behind the scenes were really Dick Cheney and Laura Bush, both of whom are even more neo-Sethian than their puppet-dictators George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon.

context: Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005, 9:57 am

Laura Bush does not change facial expressions.

context: Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006, 1:27 am

the night of the 2000 election coup, a massive psychic battle was
fought on the astral plane between "gangsta" rapper Busta Rhymes
and future first-lady Laura Bush. At stake: the control or freedom of the future.

context: Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:54 am

Laura Bush as the insidious serpent tongueing President Daddy's ear.

context: Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:56 am

Former President Daddy breaks down during a live newscast to
reveal the bug intelligence behind the neo-Sethian seprentine movement.

Former President HW suddenly fell under the inexplicable sensation that the teleprompter read "sob uncontrollably"

context: Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:22 pm

The BUGS roam in droves; theyıve almost conquered the city through simple infiltration. The bugs look like us except for some characteristics which they cannot conceal. - Jon Gee

-source: http://www.benpadiah.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=819

"our" president is:: 2:1 a "meat puppet," not a "puppet dictator," nor a "puppet master." If you disagree, log in and vote now: discuss this on the forums.

08-15-2007: is Dick Cheney aligning himself with GHWB through Laura?

in 2008, the CFR and Bilderberg Group appointed Barrack Hussein Obama II "president" of the United States and he became the de facto OHO. - source: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=100162577&blogID=447054791
It has recently been revealed that Obama is, himself, the cloned mummy of Pharaoh Ahkhenaten.
- source: http://www.benpadiah.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2410




this information is all İ 2005- Jonathan Barlow Gee